• So grateful for every opportunity to create with others during this wild year...❤❤
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  • Ten years ago I walked into a therapists office for the first time, facing crippling anxiety, depression, insomnia, panic attacks, fatigue, difficulty eating, the list goes on. I had no tools and very little understanding around the issues I faced. I felt something was deeply wrong with me, and none of the substances, toxic relationships, or dissociation could fill the void within me. It’s been a long a difficult journey, but that person is unrecognizable to me. The person I see in the mirror today has faced so much and healed so much. She is strong and capable of caring for and loving herself, she has tools and practices to face hard things, she feels her feelings and has healthy relationships. I’m so proud of her....
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  • My lipstick matches my shirt today because it’s all in the details, baby.
    I haven’t put makeup on in ages and forgot what this version of me felt like, she’s spicy 🌶
    The little girl next door loves getting so close to our fence that our pitbull ferociously barks right in her face as she giggles in delight. She’s spicy, too 🌶
    The wheelchair behind me is a prop for a play in which my partner’s mother plays a woman overcoming tremendous obstacles, the power in her performance moved me to tears. Mucho spice 🌶
    Praise to the wild feminine within us all 🙏🔥
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  • May we forever dance through the majesties and the tragedies of a life well loved, finding home in every sweet embrace, safety in the sovereignty of our own body, and the courage to materialize the wildest of dreams😍😍
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  • just a reminder that you are organism that thrives with fresh air and sunshine so creating cozy outdoor space that you frequently vibe for ❤️
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  • Family, today I am feeling overcome with love and gratitude for the gift of living.
    It has been an incredibly powerful week for me, offline and diving deep into the parts of myself that have been closed off in fear.
    I have discovered that I have a deep distrust of people. This is a belief I learned very young: that we live in a dangerous world full of broken humans who can’t meet my needs or love me the way I long to be loved.
    And on the other side of confronting this within myself, I have seen that all those scary people have the same fear as I do. As well as the same longing for togetherness.
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  • This year I don’t have some epic travel photo to share, or a nice candid photo of me and a big group of friends laughing and smiling together. It seems fitting to share a photo of me in bed. A place I became very familiar with this year.
    I took meetings and work calls here.
    I cried, and stared at the ceiling, and hid under the covers (I’m a cancer, so when I do this @thestephanojonas always says “come out of your shell, little crab!”)
    I rested. I ate ice cream and watched nature documentaries. I read books here and wrote poetry here.
    I laid in the arms of my lover here. We had hard conversations and triggered each other, and then held hands and breathed through it here.
    2020 was an unexpected, beautifully chaotic mess. I had my highest highs and my lowest lows.
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