Lakshman asked about four- Maya (Illusion), Gyaan (Self-realization), Vairagya (Detachment) and Bhakti (Devotion). Shri Ram started satsang, said- Lakshman! Listen carefully.
Look, if the mind gets involved in satsang, then there is no illusion, then self-realization comes. If desire is not there, detachment comes. And if there is no memory of the world, devotion is attained.
Now Maya. "I and Mine" is Maya. "I" is of two types, true and false. The true "I" is Brahm, false "I" is Maya.
Like when you experience a dream, then not only you are dreaming, you are also seen in the dream. No matter what the dream is, you are always there in your dream, you see yourself. It is not possible that you dream and you don't see yourself in your dream.