• your problem is yours not my ....
    Comments: 0 Reposts: 0
  • Every relationship is depend on mutual benefit means no relation. If you don't have anything to give it back. Relationship will be like.. hi? , hello?, bye?.
    Comments: 1 Reposts: 0
  • Some times people understand the situation but pretending like they don't understand, at that time it's hurd. They just ignore you to get what they are wanted from you. It's seems like today is the last day but they is not about oneday, unless we took the last breath.
    Comments: 0 Reposts: 0
  • Nowadays money 💸💸 can buy anything...
    Comments: 1 Reposts: 0
  • According to me Life run easily when we leave our anger, shyness, fear, hatred and comfort zone.
    Comments: 0 Reposts: 0
  • Never give your life's remote control to anyone's hand.
    Everyone seek chances to ruin your beautiful life to hell.
    Comments: 0 Reposts: 0
  • Nobody cares about you Unless and until you give hints to take care ..., except mom.
    I❤ you mom to till my last breath.
    Comments: 0 Reposts: 0
  • Today's reality money 💰 money 🤑 money,
    without money nobody is interested in you.
    So friends earn money as much as you can....
    Comments: 0 Reposts: 0
  • There is popular proverbs "Time heals all wound".
    It's a half truth, some wound never heals.
    Empty pocket and empty stomach will teach you about the Life ,life long you will never forget about it.
    Comments: 0 Reposts: 0
  • Nothing is free in this world,
    you have to pay the values.
    Even after you get it absolutely free,
    like air for air, blood for blood.
    wholesome we all're examine each other,
    in certain time to time depending upon;
    how long it takes time to go.
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