Introducing GitHub . GitHub is a cloud-based platform where you can store, share, and work together with others to write code. It is a free/paid platform where hackers can access different code scripts to perform different attacks. In GitHub you have to search for attacks you want to find and it gives the prescript tools based on different programming languages to perform specific
Don't admire yourself weak , Everyone has it's own capability to win the race of life maybe you are in wrong field . Be calm and join the path which you love the most or in which you can bring a new
Here, we can see this is the Kali Linux interface . And in the left corner we can see tools of Kali used for Penetration testing and Hacking . Kali Linux is the famous Linux Operating System among Ubuntu, Parrot etc.
Get started with the Linux Operating system (OS). "follow me" For the basics of Linux its command, features and tools. Follow me for more info about Linux. Hurry up!!